Monday, June 14, 2004

The Mole on the Road with The Coop 2004

Greetings fellow torchbearers of rock and AC faithful,

I am the Mole! And how can one describe this year's Alice Cooper tour with just one word? Well...ya can't, and that's why I'll be typing in my garrulous reports here and there throughout this years Cooper tour to reflect, enlighten, and inform you, my adoring (and sometimes not-so adoring) molars, (or molletes, or moley moley moley molies as Austin Powers would put it! Obviously, Gold Member is one of the bus films on this ya think?!)

Today finds us in a beautiful little part of the vortex we like to call Germany. Land of the Snitzel-fests and The Scorpions...or shall we say, "thaaaaa Scooooopppiiiiiaaaaaahhnnssss!!"  Infact, just last night Claus Meine was spotted by the Mole sneaking a peek at the Cooper show from a stage left wing even though there is a "no-humans on stage" policy that is strictly enforced when the show starts. But you gotta admit, Germans are a crafty people....

But that was sooooo today.....let's talk about YESterday, or better yet, a few Yesterdays from before.....some of the highlights so far:

Dublin, Ireland: The band was invited to Dublin's #2 (not my first choice) tourist attraction....the Guinness Beer Brewery & Factory. (The #1 attraction being The Edge's nit-cap manufacturing outlet ofcourse..) As a result, the band is now loving the light and refreshing taste of Guinness and have all gained 80 pounds each....

Also, Dublin saw the band dress in pin-stripe suits (in a tribute to the AC Greatest Hits Album cover) for the second half of the show for the first (and sadly, probably the only) time!  The over all verdict was that it looked a little too Vegas.....but if someone tells me that, I'm thinkin' Yeah!!!! Vegas and Celene Dion and a couple of White Tigers!....but those are just my vices....or are they yours too?!

And oh yeah....did we mention that JET is our favorite new band.......and our new BEST friends for life!!!!......we'll maybe not that crazy grade school, but we do consider the band a bunch of great mates and wish them all the success they deserve....

Bologna, Italy: The first of many Rock festivals which we are booked on that could easily be renamed the "Iron-Maiden/Metallica faded T-shirt trading expo"  or the "Who's-who in this years (and last years, and the year before) crop of Death Metal bands"  Even "No More Mr. Nice Guy" went over surprisingly well with this sect.....gotta be the eye make-up I suppose....God bless the Godfather of Shock Rock.....such respect, such respect!

Greece:  We'll, I've been saying for years, "the Greeks love Alice Cooper" and even though I had no scientific proof or data to back this claim up, I was proven correct when the band rocked two shows in Northern Greece and Athens......for those of you keeping score at home, these will be the shows that Bed of Nails reared it's _______ (you fill in the blank accordingly) head. The Greeks not only love Alice Cooper, they apparently love Alice Cooper singing Desmond Child songs!...The crowds we're about as rambunctious and wild as those of S. America complete with their own brand of pyro (two huge safety flares lit off during Poison in the Athens crowd...unbelievable!)

Holland:  We are back to the Big, Big, BIG Rock Show  with a festival of a million and one headliners.....although The Coop and Judas Priest were the two to share the title that night......and here's one: When Judas Priest were on stage, AC's very own Chuck Garric was watching the show from the monitor board when a sudden urge to grab just one more budweiser from catering overtook his haste, he tripped over a power cord and unplugged Rob Halfords TelePrompter! Luckily Rob knew the words to "breaking the Law" so certain tragedy was averted for the time being....but watch out Priest, "trippy-feet" Garric is out there, and he'll be looking for you next rock festival!...

Other headliners in Holland included: Moterhead, the Scorpions, Y&T, blue oyster cult, Paul Rogers, UFO and many many more.....a real treat for a guy like me that basically grew up in a faded black concert T-shirt!

All of this which brings us back to my tiny hotel room in Germany listening to piped in Euro-trash pop music huffing and puffing it's way out of my TV set......if I hear that Corr's song just one more time!! Arrrgh!! I'm starting to love it! Daaaaaamn Yooooooou Coooooooorrrr'sss!!

That's about it for now....but don't worry, there will be more stay up to date with all the latest and greatest AC and Roxie77 news and information at


or get to meet the rest of the guys at,,

or get to know the main man at

All the best to you......and stay tuned!!!

Cheers........The MOLE!
the new CD: Peace, Love & Armageddon